System Development Charges (SDC)

System Development Charges

What are System Development Charges?

System Development Charges (SDC's) are fees that are collected when new development occurs in the city and are used to fund a portion of new streets, sanitary sewers, parks and distribution system. These fees are necessary to provide adequate funding and growth-related capital improvements vital to maintaining the city's level of service in transportation, water and sewer and city parks (Reference: ORS 223.297 to 223.314)

How are System Development Charges calculated?

Water, sewer, park, stormwater and transportation SDC's are charged on new commercial, industrial, professional, and residential development as development adds a higher use to the system. Sewer and water fees are based on a fee established for one residential unit. This fee is called an Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). The fee resolution sets the amount for an equivalent dwelling unit. The transportation SDC's are based on a trip rate from the institute for Transportation Engineers (ITE) Manual. Please not that shell buildings will be charged based upon an estimated use and will be reviewed with each tenant improvement.

Click here for the current fee resolution.
Click here for SDC's Resolution No. 2020.12

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126 E. Central Avenue Sutherlin, OR 97479
P: (541) 459-2857