Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan & Report

Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Plan & Report

The  Sutherlin Tax Increment Finance Plan for the Area was developed for the Sutherlin City Council with cooperative input from a council appointed Urban Renewal Task Force.
The Plan also includes input from the taxing districts through consult and confer letters with the opportunity for follow up with each taxing district, in public meetings, and in hearings before the Planning Commission, City Council, and a public briefing with the Douglas County Board of Commissioners.
Note on language: This Plan, wherever applicable and permissible, uses the term Tax Increment Finance or TIF rather than “urban renewal”. The term TIF is used consistently in other parts of the nation and does not evoke past practices of other urban renewal agencies throughout the country wherein minorities and underrepresented populations were displaced to clear the way for redevelopment. This Plan aims to avoid those connotations and has been created with intention to avoid those outcomes. 

The Sutherlin Tax Increment Finance Plan (Report) contains background information and project details that pertain to the Sutherlin TIF Plan (Plan) for the Sutherlin Tax Increment Area (Area). The Report is not a legal part of the Plan but is intended to provide public information and support the findings made by the Sutherlin City Council as part of the approval of the Plan. The Report provides the analysis required to meet the standards of ORS 457.085(3), including financial feasibility. The Report contains the information required by ORS 457.085, including:

  • A description of the physical, social, and economic conditions in the area;
  • Expected impact of the Plan, including fiscal impact in light of increased services;
  • Reasons for selection of the Area; 
  • The relationship between each project to be undertaken and the existing conditions; 
  • The estimated total cost of each project and the source of funds to pay such costs; 
  • The estimated completion date of each project;
  • The estimated amount of funds required in the area and the anticipated year in which the debt will be retired; 
  • A financial analysis of the Plan; 
  • A fiscal impact statement that estimates the impact of tax increment financing upon all entities levying taxes upon property in the urban renewal or TIF Area;  and
  • A relocation report. 

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